Thursday, February 13, 2025

Without Fear Or Favor

I received a memorandum from acting Deputy AG Emil Bove, directing me to dismiss the indictment against Mayor Eric Adams without prejudice, subject to certain conditions, which would require leave of court.  I do not repeat here the evidence against Adams that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed federal crimes; ... the case team conducted this investigation with integrity and the charges against Adams are serious and supported by fact and law.  Mr. Bove's memo, however, which directs me to dismiss an indictment returned by a duly constituted grand jury for reasons having nothing to do with the strength of the case, raises serious concerns that render the contemplated dismissal inconsistent with my ability and duty to prosecute federal crimes without fear or favor and to advance good-faith arguments before the courts.

When I took my oath of office three weeks ago, I vowed to well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I was about to enter.  In carrying out that responsibility, I am guided by, among other things, the Principles of Federal Prosecution set forth in the Justice Manual and your recent memoranda instructing attorneys for the Department of Justice to make only good-faith arguments and not to use the criminal enforcement authority of the United States to achieve political objectives or other improper aims.  I am also guided by the values that have defined my over ten years of public service. ...  I have always considered it my obligation to pursue justice impartially, without favor to the wealthy or those who occupy important public office, or harsher treatment for the less powerful.

I therefore deem it necessary to the faithful discharge of my duties to raise the concerns expressed in this letter with you and to request an opportunity to meet to discuss them further.  I cannot fulfill my obligations, effectively lead my office in carrying out the Department's priorities, or credibly represent the Government before the courts, if I seek to dismiss the Adams case on this record.

-- Danielle R. Sassoon, Acting Manhattan U.S. attorney, writing to US AG Pam Bondi, refusing to drop the case against Mayor Eric Adams (12 February 2025)

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