I just want them to know that if a skinny little farm kid from Lebanon, Illinois, with a chronic kidney ailment and no track and no weight room can eventually go on to make the Hall of Fame, then they can, too.
-- Craig Virgin (1955-), on his 3 December 2011 induction to the National Track and Field Hall of Fame
I grew up in Lebanon, and my two oldest brothers were on the cross country team with Craig. His accomplishments include:
* Wins in all 48 of the prep cross country meets he entered as a junior and senior, setting records in 47 of them.
* Wins in 95 of 100 cross country races from his sophomore year in high school to his senior year at Illinois.
* Nine Big Ten titles at Illinois -- 4 in cross country and 5 in track.
* Two cross country world championships.
His 1972 time of 13:50.6 in the Illinois State High School Cross Country Championship still stands after 39 years. He didn't run before 9th grade.